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Products > Operation

Good riddance.

Commander food waste disposers are a new generation of kitchen waste grinders. Not only are they lighter, but also much more compact than traditional grinders. For instance, they save a lot of room under the sink and because of their light weight they can also be placed under the thinnest and lightest sinks. Stainless steel, enamel, porcelain and marble sinks are no problem for placement.

Easy bayonet connection


Commander grinders are the only devices on the market with a quick and practical connection piece. The patented and exclusive system ensures easy and waterproof installation in your sink.



Corrosion proof


The grinding mechanism is entirely made of stainless steel. The grinding chamber is made of nylon polyester fibre, strong with improved sound absorption. Rust is the main enemy of all traditional grinders. By using new material this problem has been solved for good.




Removable splash guard


Commander is the only brand with a removable splash guard. Splash guards become greasy and dirty due when used, which is why they require regular cleaning. In most other devices the whole device needs to be disassembled, which is laborious and expensive. The Commander anti-splatter system can be easily removed, cleaned and put back weekly.




Fast grinding procedure thanks to higher speed


The small, light, efficient and powerful motors (2.700 rpm) are grinding all waste faster, using less water and energy, preventing jams of all kind.




Maintenance-friendly, safe and hygienic


Due to the high number of rotations of the grinding chamber, the waste is centrifuged. Two hammers break the hard bits of waste and scrape against the walls during use. Thanks to the singular (model 8000) or double (model 9000 and 10000) perforated discharge conveyor, the waste is removed along with the water. The small microfibers that remain when grinding are small and hard. They bump against the edges of the outlet pipes and take the remnants of the fat of leftover soap and sauce with them. This keeps the pipes clean and helps preserve hygiene in the kitchen.


  • Throw biodegradable waste in the sink where the grinder is installed.

  • Turn open the tap and let the water run.

  • Switch on the device.

  • The waste is centrifuged and leaves the kitchen via the outlet pipes together with the waste water.

  • Let the water run a little longer.

  • Turn off the device.

Commander | Werking
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